Interior Greenery
• We prepare interior arrangements with natural plants especially selected for the room conditions, i.e. temperature, humidity and lighting, in form of flowerpots or custom adjusted spaces where various plant groups are placed. Plants are imported directly from southern countries with phytosanitary certificates. In case of ordering further cultivation of these plants we provide guarantee for them.
• We decorate spaces with compositions of season plants, occasional arrangements in flower pots e.g. Christmas trees (picea gluca Conica or others) or Easter compositions (Buxus sempervierens with blooming plants)
• We service and cultivate indoor plants by the following activities and procedures:
-forming and shaping of plants (including side cuts preventing inadequate habit of plants which results in its excessive growth and blocking communication route and floor or commercial surface),
-sprinkling plants in autumn and winter period due to low air humidity in the heating season,
-washing and dusting,
-applying conditioners, vaccines and other specifics improving condition of the plants,
-watering plants according to their requirements and needs connected to the temperature and humidity at a given time,
-continuous supervision of soil conditions, i.e. checking its humidity, Ph and fertility,
-all-year-round dressing with specialized fertilizers for particular groups of plants,
-preventive and curative application of insecticides and fungicidals,
-replenishing soil depending on the needs and kneading it in order to eradicate empty spaces between roots,
-applying conditioners, vaccines and other specifics improving condition of the plants,
-other necessary supportive procedures.